Welcome to our VIIRS Polygon service!
Not a public service
This service is not a public service. You must be authorized to use this service.
It is provided as is, with no warranty or guarantee of any kind. It is
provided for the use of Canadian Fire Modellers working with/for CIFFC partners. If that describes you, you are authorized;
if this does not describe you, you are not authorized. If you are not authorized, you must leave this site now and do not access it.
If you have been given permission to use this service, by "Franco Nogarin" please proceed.
This service is experimental. It is not a production service. It is provided as is, complete with bugs and with no warranty or
guarantee of any kind. Again, It has active bugs! USE THIS SERVICE AT YOUR OWN RISK.
If use of this service maims your rabbit, kills your dog or burns down your house, That is on you, you have been warned.
This services updates its datasets every 2 hours
This service is designed to provide VIIRS polygons for DIP fires in Canada.
How it works
This service uses the following workflow
- Get the latest DIP fire data from the CIFFC
- Get the latest VIIRS data from the NASA
- Starting from the DIP Point working outward, build a dataset of applicable VIIRS
- generate an estimated fire boundry (VIIRS Poly)
- extract only the recent hotspots buffered to 375 for the fire that intersect the VIIRS Poly(Active
perimeter parts)
- Create an ignition line from active spots on the permiter
- Store a dataset for each fire
- update the datasets every 2 hours from fresh data.
NOTE: If there is no VIIRS hotspots near a fire, there will be a minimal or no dataset available.
What you can do:
- grab a VIIRS Polygon for a fire Fire ID
(uses a modified CIFFC fire number
- 2023_NT_FS007-23
- 2023_YT_2023WL004
- 2023_BC-0288
- 2023_AB_GWF-039-2023
- 2023_SK_903702
- 2023_MB_NO042
- 2023_ON_COC_FIRE_024
- 2023_QC_226
- Get the whole dataset for a specific fireid
- Get all datasets for a specific agency (BULK)
- Get a component of a dataset for a specific fireid
- Get the closest data for a lat long
Here's how to use our service.
the API is a JSON API has a basic form:
"what is one of viirspoly, viirs, firePoint, originalPoly, ignitionline, all"
"how is one of latlon, fireid, agency"
viirspoly: - returns (GeoJSON - Feature) the VIIRS Polygon for a fireid - if one was made
viirs: - returns (GeoJSON - FeatureCollection) the VIIRS data for a fireid
firePoint: - returns (GeoJSON - Feature) the DIP fire point for a fireid
originalPoly: - returns (GeoJSON - Feature) the original DIP fire polygon for a fireid
all: - returns (JSON - object) all the data for a fireid
The HOWs
latlon: - returns the closest data for a lat lon
The lat lon must be provided in EPSG:4326 (WGS84) as Decimal Degrees (DD)
EG: 49.123456, -123.123456
fireid: - returns the data for a fireid
uses a modified CIFFC fire number
- 2023_NT_FS007-23
- 2023_YT_2023WL004
- 2023_BC-0288
- 2023_AB_GWF-039-2023
- 2023_SK_903702
- 2023_MB_NO042
- 2023_ON_COC_FIRE_024
- 2023_QC_226
agency: - returns all the datasets for an agency zipped up NOTE: This is a bulk Download.
"msg":"No results found for viirspoly fireid {\"fireid\":\"2023_NT_FS001-23w\"}",
"msg":"Results found for viirspoly fireid {\"fireid\":\"2023_NT_FS001-23\"}",
NOTE: the results object contains the component eg: viirspoly;
(GeoJSON - Feature)
Get a VIIRS Polygon by FIREID
POST: https://polys.intellifirenwt.com/api/v1/viirspoly/fireid
with a payload of {"fireid": '2023_NT_FS007-23'}
to do this you can use curl:
curl --request POST \
--url https://polys.intellifirenwt.com/api/v1/viirspoly/fireid \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"fireid": "2023_NT_FS007-23"}'
or JavaScript:
fetch("https://polys.intellifirenwt.com/api/v1/viirspoly/fireid", {
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json"
"body": {
"fireid": "2023_NT_FS007-23"
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {
Get a VIIRS Polygon by LAT LON
POST: https://polys.intellifirenwt.com/api/v1/viirspoly/latlon
with a payload of
"lat": 60.325,
"lon": -119.086167
to do this you can use curl:
curl --request POST \
--url https://polys.intellifirenwt.com/api/v1/viirspoly/latlon \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--data '{"lat": 60.325,"lon": -119.086167}'
or JavaScript:
fetch("https://polys.intellifirenwt.com/api/v1/viirspoly/latlon", {
"method": "POST",
"headers": {
"content-type": "application/json"
"body": {
"lat": 60.325,
"lon": -119.086167
.then(response => {
.catch(err => {